Budget legacy dredge
Budget legacy dredge

This is a primer and discussion thread for Dredge with and without Lion’s Eye Diamond in Legacy.

budget legacy dredge

I am 6’2” and do not own any Volcanic Islands (unnecessary tidbit sorry).

budget legacy dredge

I appreciate decks that are considered “outsiders” and thoroughly enjoy writing about my tournament experiences. I have played Dredge, Food Chain Goblins, and Two-Land Belcher in Vintage and Dredge, Goblins, Belcher, Spiral Tide, Spanish Inquisition, Burn, and Cephalid Breakfast in Legacy. I currently play on MTGO under the handle Ryan_Leaf (tl dr story).

budget legacy dredge

I have played in various Legacy scenes including Chicago, NoVa, Baltimore, and Dallas over the years. My underwhelming claim to fame is that I beat David Gearhart (deep6ixer) and Roland Chang in Legacy at one point, and am undefeated against Doug Linn (hi-val) in my lifetime. A short blurb/justification about me: I have played Magic since 1999 and have played Dredge since it was printed in Ravnica block.

Budget legacy dredge